A Free Prayer Guide for Lent

Stations of the cross

Many Christians include a Stations of the Cross experience during Lent, the forty days—minus Sundays—leading to Easter. The Catholic tradition involves fourteen stations, each depicting an event in the final hours before Jesus’ crucifixion. Other Christians often include only the eight events found in the Bible.

This Lent, the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation invites you to pray the Stations of the Cross, beginning March 5th (Ash Wednesday). As we move through the season, click on each week below and use the images, scriptures, and questions as tools to pray and reflect. Then on Easter, we shift our attention from the cross to the empty tomb, when we celebrate and shout, “Christ is Risen!”

Scripture is taken from the NIV version of the Bible.

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UMHEF scholar, SheridanMeet Sheridan, a UMHEF scholarship recipient attending Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. “Thank you so much for your generous support,” she says. “I am able to be more involved in the community and focus on my studies. It is through the help of communities like [UMHEF] that make it possible.”

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