
The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation has more than 130 named endowment funds that help to financially support the scholarships we award each year to qualifying students. These funds may designate support to students from specific UM conferences, attending certain UM-related schools, or who meet other preset criteria of particular importance to those associated with the fund. Endowments have an impact on students today and far into the future!

Are you interested in giving to support an established endowment? You may designate your gift to one of these funds on our GIVING page. Simply choose from the drop-down list in the donation form to make your selection.

From time to time, UMHEF has the honor of working with individuals or families to create funds or support the growth of existing funds through targeted appeals. Below are just a few of these funds we’d like to tell you a little more about.

Bishop Bruce and Char Ough Endowment – Dakota Wesleyan University

Robert Siegmund Rothe Scholarship Endowment Fund

An endowment is a unique form of planned giving. Do you want to learn more about creating a named endowment fund or other planned giving options with UMHEF?