Other Scholarships

$5,000 Scholarships for HBCU Students

Thanks to the generosity of some of our UMHEF donors, we offer several scholarships (ranging from $500 – $5,000) to students attending or planning to attend one of the country’s Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) that are United Methodist-related. The number of awards are limited each year and are not guaranteed. LEARN MORE.

To Apply: This application is currently closed.

Chaplain Samuel Grover Powell Scholarship

This scholarship provides financial assistance to students preparing for chaplaincy in any branch of the military. The fund was established in 1980 by the family and friends of Chaplain Powell after his death. The Reverend Samuel Grover Powell served as a chaplain in the United States Air Force for 28 years. He believed that “Military people deserve the best qualified chaplains, for they are not only serving God, but their country.”


  • Be enrolled at any accredited theological seminary
  • Be in their middle or senior (last) year
  • Be involved in the Chaplain Candidate (Seminarian) Program or serving a military reserve component after having completed an active duty tour in one of the United States armed forces.
  • Preference is given to students in their senior year who plan to serve in the United States Air Force. However, persons preparing for chaplaincy in any branch of the military will be considered.

To Apply: This application is currently closed.

Holly Elliott and Laurel Glass Scholarship for Persons Who Are Deaf, Deafened, Deaf-Blind, or Hard of Hearing

This scholarship provides grants to attend any United Methodist theological school for individuals who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Culturally deaf (persons who use American Sign Language as their primary language)
  • Orally deaf (persons who use speech reading or other non-manual methods of communication)
  • Deafened (persons who become deaf after speech was established at roughly four years of age)
  • Late deafened (persons who became deaf as adults, after age eighteen)
  • Deaf-blind, or hard of hearing

The grants are intended for seminary education for persons wishing to be prepared for specialized ministries in the church, including, but not restricted to those who wish to become ordained.


  • Be a member of The United Methodist Church
  • Be enrolled in a United Methodist Theological School
  • Be culturally deaf, orally deaf, deafened, late deafened, deaf-blind, or hard of hearing (Applicant is required to provide documentation of disability.)
  • Be preparing for specialized ministries in the church

To Apply: This application is currently closed.

Scholarships for UM Students Attending the University of Tennessee Southern (Martin Methodist College)

United Methodist students attending or planning to attend the University of Tennessee Southern may qualify for scholarships from the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation (UMHEF). Historically, UMHEF has housed funds to support Martin Methodist College students. Due to this longstanding relationship, the Foundation has designated funds to provide financial support to University of Tennessee Southern students who are members of The United Methodist Church.

To Apply: This application is currently closed.

Note: UT Southern is not a partnering school in our UM Dollars for Scholars program and students attending UTS are not eligible for this award.